
Pros-Aide Adhesive

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Product Details


$16.00 to $116.00
Pros-Aide® is the standard in the industry for adhering appliances and other make-up components to skin. It is safe to use on all skin including sensitive areas. It gives a strong bond and has high water resistance. It is non-toxic and completely safe for professional use.
Picture of Pros-Aide Cream
Product Details

Pros-Aide Cream

$9.75 to $67.00
PLEASE NOTE : FREEZING WARNING IN EFFECT: Pros-Aide products being shipped during cold weather months have the potential to freeze and turn solid. To help avoid this from happening we suggest next day shipping service from approximately November thru April. However ordering during the cold weather months is at your own risk. Studio F/X will not be responsible for products that have been ruined due to freezing during shipment. Prosaide Cream, A thick Pros-Aide® adhesive excellent for filling in seams or gaps in appliances and also great for repairs. It does not contain any artificial fillers to make it thick yet has the properties of Pros-Aide® at heavy viscosity.
Picture of Pros-Aide II
Product Details

Pros-Aide II

$28.00 to $120.00
Pros-Aide® II was developed to help eliminate the difficulty of removing Pros-Aide®“The Original” from the skin. It is useful on very sensitive skin or thin areas of appliances and prosthetics. It is also great for short term applications.
Picture of Pros-Aide No Tack Adhesive
Product Details

Pros-Aide No Tack Adhesive

PLEASE NOTE : FREEZING WARNING IN EFFECT: Pros-Aide products being shipped during cold weather months have the potential to freeze and turn solid. To help avoid this from happening we suggest next day shipping service from approximately November thru April. However ordering during the cold weather months is at your own risk. Studio F/X will not be responsible for products that have been ruined due to freezing during shipment. Pros-Aide® No-Tack Adhesive, all the great properties of “The Original” Pros-Aide® but with less residual tackiness. It is used just like Pros-Aide® for producing PAX paint™ but has significantly reduced stickiness or tack after drying.
Picture of Pros-Aide Remover
Product Details

Pros-Aide Remover

$13.00 to $36.00
A special remover/cleanser for Pros-Aide® and PAX paint. It is formulated from ingredients that allow for safe removal of Pros-Aide®, PAX Paint and other make-up from the skin.